Meet Jo

Your Personal UK University Guidance Counsellor

The US college application process is overwhelming - period. Add in the unknowns of applying internationally and it can all just seem way too daunting.

The good news is with a little bit of expert help the process of applying to universities in the UK becomes so much easier (and, I promise, much less stress than your US college applications!)

More about Jo

As a high school teacher from the UK now living and working in NYC, I have the unique experience of guiding UK university applicants from both sides of the pond.

I understand the questions and concerns US students and their parents face in navigating unfamiliar UK academic systems and institutions and can guide you through the process with as much or as little handholding as you wish.



Need some help?

Maximize your UK university success without the stress with my personalized application plans, tailor-made just for you!

What People Are Saying

“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

— Quote Source

Hi there,

My name is Joanne Clark (but I’ve always been a Jo!) I am a Brit, mother of 3, proud New Yorker and recent American citizen.

I started my working life as a high school teacher in the UK, specializing in post-16 education and working closely with British students as they navigated the UK university process.

Moving to the US, I was shocked (and not a little horrified) to learn about the college application process here: The intensity, stress, supplemental essays, application fees, lack of transparency, unfair admittance policies (legacy admissions, quotas. - what!!!) not to mention the sky-high tuition costs. The list could go on.

I could see the pressure students and their families were under and totally understood why the US college application process was frequently described to me as a ‘rat-race’. As time has gone by, the process hasn’t become any easier - in fact quite the opposite.

It was clear that the UK university admissions system I had left behind was far more applicant friendly - cheap, transparent, straight-forward and only 1 application essay! Factoring in the excellent (globally respected) education, lower tuition costs, ease of travel and the reassuringly familiar culture, I understood why the UK was becoming an increasingly enticing option for US students.

However, despite all the benefits the UK university system offers, it does differ quite significantly from the US and, from the beginning, I could see that navigating this was not only stress-inducing for many US students but also presented significant barriers all round.

There are nuances and intricacies involved in the UK university application process which not only present stumbling blocks to the uninitiated but can also impact application success. In addition, as US students are understandably unfamiliar with UK geography and universities, many excellent and globally ranked institutions were being completely overlooked in favor of the popular few. The requirement to select a major(s) at the time of application and the stereotype that UK universities were only for a certain ‘type’ of student also presented hurdles.

It was apparent to me that US applicants needed a guide, an expert who understood both education systems to ‘translate’, explain and inform in simple and straightforward terms. Go UK Uni was born and the rest, as they say, is history.

I understand the unique questions and concerns you face in navigating unfamiliar UK academic systems and institutions and can guide you through the process with as much or as little handholding as you wish. I aim to match you with your best-fit UK universities and help you find that just right course. I want to make your UK university application journey a refreshingly positive and successful experience (one which will lift your confidence, self-esteem and optimism, rather than the opposite).

So, whether you just want to chat through the possibility of studying in the UK, or you’re ready to get your application started, please feel free to get in touch.

Best wishes,
